Take your layout adaptation process to the next level.

adaept.io offers automated layout adjustments and generates print-ready files that align with your branding. intelligent, integrable and affordable. adaept.io is the final piece in your digital production chain.

Various media objects coming out of a magicians top hat with the adaept.io logo on it

Features you have been waiting for.

Adapting motifs, designs and layouts for print and digital campaigns used to be a tedious hassle. With adaept.io, it becomes a breeze. Be more efficient than ever, while lowering your efforts significantly.

Man meditating with a computer, phone, magazine hovering around him

Automated design adaptation

Save your creative energy for something worthwhile. adaept.io generates designs and motifs in professional quality for you – compliant with established industry standards.

poster with check mark

Pixel-perfect layouts

Define your design guidelines once and you are all set. adaept.io faithfully follows your instructions and puts out pixel-perfect files that are ready for immediate use.

Globe with various location markers

Available anywhere, anytime

Say goodbye to time zones, holidays, and inconvenient business hours. adaept.io is accessible around the clock, wherever you are. Get stuff done when you need it.

Computer showing adaept.io website

No installation required

adaept.io runs on practically every device with a modern web browser. Start working the moment you receive your access data – no installation or setup required.

Streamline your adaptation workflow.

With adaept.io as the key link in a fully digital production chain, all involved parties profit from streamlined workflows and communication during campaign rollouts.

Diagram showing the adaept.io workflow

Intuitive use. Quick results.

adaept.io is designed to simplify without omitting functionality. With its intuitive user interface you can focus on what is important – using a tool that is actually enjoyable to work with.

Screenshot of the adaept.io user interface on yellow background Screenshot of the adaept.io user interface on red background Screenshot of the adaept.io user interface on green background Screenshot of the adaept.io user interface on blue background Screenshot of the adaept.io user interface on green background

Simplify the way you work.

Work together quicker and more efficient than ever before. adaept.io is the shared information and data source at the heart of your collaborative adaptation workflow.

Set up projects quickly.

Setting up motifs or whole campaigns is simple. Import your design specifications straight from Adobe InDesign. adaept.io ensures that guidelines will actually be observed – without cumbersome approval routines. Our individual support is happy to help even with more complex use cases.

Illustration of a stopwatch with speed blur lines
Mockup of the adaept.io user interface, covered by a parcel and a poster

Order layouts – easy as pie.

adaept.io is a browser-based web application. That means: It is available 24/7, wherever you have internet access. Just request adaptations and receive your files within minutes – ready to download or to share with production partners. All you need to know are the right dimensions.

Process orders effortlessly.

adaept.io integrates seamlessly with existing infrastructure. No need to acquire additional hardware or learn new software – just receive ready-to-use files in well-established, industry standard data formats that you can download and process without any extra steps.

Illustration of a clipboard listing adaept.io features

Advantages for everyone.

adaept.io was conceived with the entire production chain in mind. As a result, it offers specific and long-desired advantages for all parties involved.

Portrait illustration of a female and male designer

For agencies

  • Star icon

    Made for high quality demands

  • Layers icon

    Multichannel solution (print, screen, web)

  • Smiley icon

    Modern and intuitive user interface

  • Circular workflow icon

    Compatible with existing workflows and tools (Adobe CS)

  • Lightning icon

    Automizes redundant work

  • Team icon

    Partner program available

Portrait illustration of a male and female business person

For companies

  • Checkmark icon

    One single, central source of campaign motifs

  • Dollar icon

    Cost-effective reduction of overhead and effort

  • Web-browser icon

    Worldwide 24/7 availability via web browser

  • Layers icon

    Multichannel solution (print, screen, web)

  • Smiley icon

    Simplifies workflows and communication

  • Headset icon

    Personal full service support

  • Cloud icon

    GDPR compliant cloud service

Portrait illustration of a female and male print shop worker

For print offices

  • Printer icon

    Standard compliant, ready-to-print files

  • Graph icon

    Enhances business portfolio

  • Shake-hands icon

    Increase customer retention

  • Jigsaw-piece icon

    Easily integrates with existing order systems via widget

  • Lightning icon

    Fully automated production workflows via API

  • Team icon

    Partner program available

Give it a try.

Want to see the numerous features of adaept.io ? Use our demo version and explore the benefits of efficient motif adaptation.

Flexible plans for every need.

Whether you're a small business, a reseller, or a large customer with high monthly adaptation demands, we have tailored plans to suit your requirements.

poster with check mark


Pay-as-you-go: flexible plan for every need

  • Checkmark icon

    No monthly fee

  • Star icon

    Capacity for 10 projects inclusive

  • Cloud icon

    Fair-usage limits:

    • up to 1,5 GB per project

    • up to 500 MB per file upload

    • up to 200 Mega Pixel resolution per file

  • Dollar icon

    Payment via direct debit

  • Circular workflow icon

    Downloads valid for 7 days

    Upgrade to 30 / 360 days possible

  • Smiley icon

    From the 500th adaption: €17.90

€19.90 per adaptation
Start your flex plan now!


For creatives, print and software industries

  • Checkmark icon

    No monthly fee or 
discount for commitment

  • Star icon

    Capacity for 50 projects inclusive

  • Cloud icon

    Fair-usage limits:

    • up to 3 GB per project

    • up to 1.5 GB per file upload

    • up to 600 Mega Pixel resolution per file

  • Dollar icon

    Payment via invoice or direct debit

  • Circular workflow icon

    Downloads valid for 7 days

    Upgrade to 30 / 360 days possible

  • Team icon

    Affiliate partner program available

  • Smiley icon

    Discounts available for larger quantities

Attractive reseller pricing
Become a varified reseller!


Unlimited adaptations for
large adaptation demands

  • Checkmark icon

    No monthly fee or 
discount for commitment

  • Star icon

    Capacity for >50 projects inclusive

  • Cloud icon

    Fair-usage limits:

    • > 3 GB per project

    • > 1.5 GB per file upload

    • > 600 Mega Pixel resolution per file

  • Dollar icon

    Payment via invoice or direct debit

  • Circular workflow icon

    Downloads valid for 7 days

    Upgrade to 30 / 360 days possible

  • Smiley icon

    Discounts available for larger quantities

Attractive purchasing prices
Talk to our sales team!

Frequently asked questions.

Find answers to some of the most common queries here.

  • Ad campaign layouts consist of many elements that are arranged in a certain, specific way. Thus, whenever a specific format is needed it is not sufficient to just crop an image to the desired size, as some elements (e. g. a brand logo) will find themselves in the wrong position. Instead, elements will have to be rearranged according to very specific design guidelines. adaept.io automates this process, making high-quality design adaptations quicker and more affordable than ever.

  • Yes, that is our very mission! No need to create and distribute extensive CI guideline docs for campaigns and motifs. Just import design specifications from Adobe InDesign to adaept.io using our intuitive software interface. A few formats (e. g. portrait, squared, and landscape) are enough for adaept.io to generate all states in between. Colors, spacings, sizes, free spaces etc. will conform exactly to the specifications – automatically, and at lower cost.

  • Currently, we support the following export data formats:

    • For print applications: PDF/X-3, PDF/X-4

    • For screen applications: JPEG, PNG, webP (all optionally optimized for web)

    • Coming soon: HTML5 embeds

  • It is our goal to offer an inexpensive and effective service – be it for occasional use or thousands of adaptations at once. We offer individual rates depending on expected usage and volume. You can check out our pricing plans to determine which one suits you best.

  • You need a device that is running a modern web browser. That’s about it. Requesting adaptations is easy and no special know-how is necessary. Adaptation files can be downloaded and/or shared with production via a simple link.

  • Very quickly! Generating an adaptation takes anywhere between a few seconds or – for extremely high resolutions – mere minutes. Since requests can be processed simultaneously, even data for extensive campaigns can be delivered to printing offices within hours. And, of course, adaept.io works 24/7, without breaks.

  • Yes! We are always interested in collaborating with other software engineers. Please contact us via e-mail to [email protected].

  • adaept.io is a project by adaept GmbH, a startup based in Germany. Our founders have extensive hands-on experience in marketing, software design, and the printing industry, and worked with renowned international brands on global campaigns. What drives our work on adaept.io is the urge to simplify the adaptation process, to reduce effort wherever possible, and to advance the digitalization of redundant tasks. Our goal is to create an easy-to-use tool that meets the requirements of all parties involved.

  • We’re happy to help! Please get in touch and send an email to [email protected]. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Or, if you are interested in a thorough yet noncommittal look at adaept.io, request a Product Tour below!

Any questions?

Require further details? We're at your service! Feel free to schedule a call with us, experience adaept.io through our demo, or arrange a personalized product tour. Whatever your needs may be, we're here to assist you every step of the way!

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adaept.io rocket taking off